Wildlife and Nature Photography Tips 18 - Do I file it, or fling it?
There are photos I just can't find the courage to throw away. Whether the lighting wasn't fun, subject wasn't with the best background,...
Wildlife Photography Tips 17 - Shoot Your Plan - Hummingbirds in Flight
I was so waiting for this Spring. I was aching to get out and shoot the emerging wildlife. Of course, I wait, and wait, and wait. Then,...
Nature and Wildlife Photography Tips 15 - Under Water Without Getting Wet
Being under water can be a good thing. Maybe not financially, but in the wildlife imaging forum, it can provide a host of opportunities....
Wildlife and Nature Photography Tips 14 - Stacking – Nothing is Ever Perfect
When I am shooting images, there are instances when I have this “Ah, that’s the one.” moment. How does this happen? It is usually by...
Wildlife and Nature Photography Tips 13 "Bigger Than Life"
I was recently “Post Processing”(PP) some of my images from my latest desert trip. Rating, developing, and culling as I went, when I...
Wildlife Photography Tips 11 The Leaping Frog
The Leaping Frog As I reviewed the title of this article, I had to chuckle a bit. It almost sounded like the name of a pub in a Harry...
Wildlife Photography Tips 10 - Remotely Exciting
Sometimes I take a moment to review my life. I have been told I don’t have control over my destiny, sometimes my kids, and certainly not...
Wildlife Photography Tips 9 - Wildlife at Home
Woohoo, the holiday season is all about us. I am in constant flux with entertaining guests, performing chores and running around...
Wildlife Photography Tips 8 - Image Stacking
(I have received this request, so here goes. I will address some of the questions in this post, and follow up in future posts.) OK, share...
Wildlife Photography Tips 7 - Birds in Flight
Capturing birds in flight can be a difficult prospect for the novice, or even the more advanced photographer, for that matter. This...