Outdoor Photography Tips 50 - Right Left Up Down - Subject placement?
Time in the field has been spent, and it is now the moment that the image gets processed. I recently shared some of my images to an...

Outdoor Photography Tips 48 - Stripping the background.
Here we are in September and the Fall temps are beginning to break. I am expecting some more hot weather here in this region of...

Outdoor Photography Tips 46 - Spring is for the Birds
It has been a while since my last blog post. And reflecting on that, I have convinced myself to get back in the grove with another nature...

Outdoor Photography Tips 45 - Photographing Bees and Wasps in Flight
WARNING!!! This article is longer than other blogs articles on this site. I didn't want to make it two parts, so you could have all the...

Outdoor Photography Tips 42- Looking at Water - Capturing Waterfalls
What are you missing with your waterfall photography?

Photography Tips 39 -Making the Most of Opportunities
Making the Most of Opportunities Photography is like many other things in life. When competing in a sports event or job searching, there...

Outdoor Photography Tips 38 - Acratech Ball Head - Equipment Test
Acratech Ball Head Having photographed wildlife for over 40 years, I have seen a multitude of gadgets and gizmos that each manufacturer...

Outdoor Photography Tips 37 - Stop the Movement - Active Subject Stacking
WOW, 2018. The new year, and I noticed it has been a month or so since the last blog. So here I am listing a bit to one side from the...

Outdoor Photography Tips 32 - Slow and Steady - Stacking in the Field
Hiking, while shooting wildlife, is always a constant challenge. I am sometimes stalking, other times sticking myself into the solitude...

Outdoor Photography Tips 31 - Shooting Ghosts - Insects in flight
OK. So I am sipping on my usual chocolate banana milkshake when (LIGHT BULB!!!) I cooked up this great idea. I would like to capture some...