Wildlife and Nature Photography Tips 19 - Sometimes a Pain in the Butt
If you have spent any reasonable amount of time shooting wildlife, you have found that humans are the "scariest" critters in the forest....
Wildlife and Nature Photography Tips 18 - Do I file it, or fling it?
There are photos I just can't find the courage to throw away. Whether the lighting wasn't fun, subject wasn't with the best background,...
Wildlife Photography Tips 17 - Shoot Your Plan - Hummingbirds in Flight
I was so waiting for this Spring. I was aching to get out and shoot the emerging wildlife. Of course, I wait, and wait, and wait. Then,...
Nature and Wildlife Photography Tips 15 - Under Water Without Getting Wet
Being under water can be a good thing. Maybe not financially, but in the wildlife imaging forum, it can provide a host of opportunities....
Wildlife and Nature Photography Tips 14 - Stacking – Nothing is Ever Perfect
When I am shooting images, there are instances when I have this “Ah, that’s the one.” moment. How does this happen? It is usually by...
Wildlife and Nature Photography Tips 13 "Bigger Than Life"
I was recently “Post Processing”(PP) some of my images from my latest desert trip. Rating, developing, and culling as I went, when I...
Wildlife & Nature Photography Tips 12 Can't sleep? Look to the Stars
I am currently parked at a grill on the Eastern side of the Sierra Nevada Range in California, waiting for dinner to be served. I emerged...
Wildlife Photography Tips 11 The Leaping Frog
The Leaping Frog As I reviewed the title of this article, I had to chuckle a bit. It almost sounded like the name of a pub in a Harry...
Wildlife Photography Tips 10 - Remotely Exciting
Sometimes I take a moment to review my life. I have been told I don’t have control over my destiny, sometimes my kids, and certainly not...
Wildlife Photography Tips 9 - Wildlife at Home
Woohoo, the holiday season is all about us. I am in constant flux with entertaining guests, performing chores and running around...